By Lucy Tirahan The topic for week one was called 'Challenging Perspectives'. As a starter activity I asked the students to write about what Olympic sport they would be in but I also asked them to be as creative as possible and not limit themselves to events that already exists. As a main activity I gave the students the following quote as a stimulus "life begins at the end of your comfort zone" and asked them to write a poem based on what is at the end of their comfort zones. If I were to ever be in the Olympics I would be… The number one mathematician! The questions would fly at me and I’d answer them in glee. One by one, I see them come and answer them beforehand. Algebra, pie and cm squared would talk to me in my head, we would communicate in bed. I’d love them so and they’d love me back and forever we would win. Ayesha The number one broom rider… The tension rises upon all that are perched, ready on their broomsticks. Hands gripping tightly on the chipped broomsticks from previous failed attempts at winning; eyes focusing sharply on the finishing line floating in the sky above. They take a quick glare at one another as they begin to fly; majestically yet skilfully soon appearing to be tiny black dots whizzing around the sky. Peculiar black spots speed to the finish line which lowered to the ground with the witches – now appearing to be the same witches they were at the beginning. All except one - the number one broom rider, who stood, feeling elated and felt like a wondrous winner. Ria The No.1 Super-villain… She stepped onto the plain, soft grass and BOOM! Catastrophe struck heaven and hell. As her heart jumped out of her chest she screamed as loud as she could but no one heard her. “AAAAAHH!!” that’s what she heard anyway; however, everyone else heard a bird chirping in the distance ahead. So she was furious because that is what had happened in her childhood. Could it happen again? Sanjana Mystery Olympics! What will happen now that their all alone? It was a bright morning that seemed to deceive me because the moment I stepped outside: a cold, refreshing wind hit my face. The trees danced to the soft breeze as the birds trilled one song again and again. I got ready pulling on my team GB suit, ready for some badminton and cricket. Little that I knew that everything would change… I pulled on my coat, which was red, blue and white resembling the British flag. I took a taxi there. Harsimran I would be the number one walking footballer of the year because I am committed to have fun and get to meet new people. Callum What is at the end of your comfort zone? At the end of my comfort zone… At the end of my comfort zone is making new friends. At the end of my comfort zone is dogs. At the end of my comfort zone is flying on aeroplanes. At the end of my comfort zone is a million tiny creepy crawlies. At the end of my comfort zone is clowns. These are all my fears that I never thought I would dream of overcoming, but there is a whole new world waiting to be discovered where I soon may be taking a trip… Ria At the end of my comfort zone is homework, At the end of my comfort zone is travelling to London, At the end of my comfort zone is chill con carney, At the end of my comfort zone is being late At the end of my comfort zone is going on big rides at Thorpe Park, Callum At the end of my comfort zone there is a cat waiting to pounce on me A black, stripy and vicious cat A tabby cat, an ugly fierce cat Any cat At the end of my comfort zone there is a bird waiting to confront me A feathery, colourful and scary bird A pigeon- there are so many of the same boring pigeon Any bird any size - any place At the end of my comfort zone there is a faced-cauliflower waiting for me to gobble it up A disgusting, horrible cauliflower A covered cauliflower Any cauliflower - any size At the end of my comfort zone there is a scary jump scare A very horrifying jump scare “AAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!” Sanjana At the end of my comfort zone there is … The super natural, At the end of my comfort zone there is … A world in which there is only negativity, At the end of my comfort zone there is… No laughter, At the end of my comfort zone there is … No inspiration, At the end of my comfort zone there is … Hatred. Harsimran At the end of my comfort zone there is a zoo of animals waiting to be petted
At the end of my comfort zone there are a million airplanes to be flown at once. At the end of my comfort zone there are hijacks to be handled At the end of my comfort zone there are trees to be climbed on At the end of my comfort zone there are speeches to be told for thousands of people At the end of my comfort zone there are jungles to venture At the end of my comfort zone there goons to fight off At the end of my comfort zone there are times where I will be later than the latest At the end of my comfort zone is another life to be lived. My comfort zone is an edge to a new reality, a new reality that will soon be my past. Ayesha
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Our Creative Writing Teacher I'm a student in year 12
who is passionate about writing and hopes to become successful in the industry when I'm older. I am lucky to have been provided with many opportunities throughout school to explore this skill and take it further. Writing is often seen as an unstable career but many people have inspired me to stay committed to something I love and to keep my drive, purely because it is with drive and dedication that you can overcome what is deemed impossible. I wanted to do something which would inspire younger years to take up creative writing, as I truly believe it is an art that can help you develop many skills and force you to think outside the ordinary. I also believe that younger people have not been provided with a sufficient platform to make themselves heard, this blog is an alternative platform. I now run a creative writing club with Heston West Big Local once a week where I work with students aged 11-14 on creative writing pieces. They are all incredibly talented and each individual manages to write from a unique perspective. Each week we will upload their work, I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy working with them. Archives
May 2017