By Lucy Tirahan I have to say, now being on week three it is really nice to see each student's personality coming out in their writing. Each week the pieces are better and this week was no exception. The topic for this week was 'Media vs People' whereby the students were challenged in writing their opinions in a poetic style. For a starter activity I asked the students five things they would want their fifty year old self to know, I think imagining all the changes which will occur over the next forty years was challenging but exciting for the writers. As a main activity I read the poem 'Life of a Teen' by Natasha Ann to the writers and asked them to write their own poem on whether they were for or against social media. What I’d like my 50 year old self to know... I would want my 50 year old self to be prepared for all the new mind boggling technology and a tip I would give myself would be, take Google’s phone number. Also, I would be prepared for the grandchildren technology bomb to hit me! I would want my 50 year old self to remember the good times reading Harry Potter. I would remind myself that reading, is always going to be one of the best things humans could possibly do. I would want my 50 year old self to remember everything I was taught in school. This is because it has brought me so far in my life now that I wouldn’t want any of that to change. I would want my 50 year old self to value the good times at Pizza Express with family. After all, family and pizza are the best combination in life! I would want my 50 year old self to remember to love life and enjoy it to the core as we only have one life, so we should live it like our last. Ria I would like my 50 year old self to know that science has intrigued me from the age of 10 and I’ve always wanted to discover new things about the world. I believed that it didn’t matter if no one else believed in what I did. I wanted to travel around the world discovering things that haven’t been discovered. Find new medicines which cured the worst of diseases. I wanted to make the world a better place. Harsimran Don’t hurt others by lying Don’t be afraid Follow your dreams Concentrate on school Stay active and have fun Callum I want myself to know that childhood is the time of your life because the science, mathematics and English genius I would be would all be because of what I am now and the effort I have dedicated and shown in these very years. I would want my 50 year old self to know that reading harry potter has been the best time of my childhood whilst reading books. I want my 50 year old self to know that I have been the luckiest child to have a childhood with a roof upon my head, 3 meals a day and a loving and caring family. I want my 50 year old self to remember that Nandos is like food heaven and I have always devoured and loved it at this age, and I must remember that I still have to love it! I want my 50 year old self to know to live the moment and love life. Because life is too valuable to let go of… Ayesha I would tell my 50 year old self you should always believe in yourself don’t let anyone change your personality. Even if you want to don’t because you are yourself. The second thing that I would tell my future self is never give up keep trying your hardest “NEVER GIVE UP! “If this rule is followed you will achieve great things. The next thing is to follow your most desirable dream and you will go very far. Keep your friends close, keep whatever friends you have close by and make sure that you look after you don’t ever try to put yourself in danger because others do. You have your own mind to listen to and your own brain, always think ahead, if you do something will it be worth it in the long run? Sanjana Life of a Teen... Life of a Teen
Click click click. They’re always taking the mick They’ve used me as bait Seriously, stop the hate! I’m being shoved round Twitter, Snapchat and Facetime Does that even exist? They’ve driven me insane! I’m not a machine I’ve got homework to do I have to resist the loo To hear the gossip you do! I mean if I leave You will think I’m mean Then you’ll unfollow and block This doesn’t rock! Insta, Facebook and email The list never ends They all stalk me I’m not a famous model Just, can’t you leave me? I’m fed up, sick and tired It’s all not required! I’m waking up with dark eye circles! How am I gonna post? They’ve done a good job At turning me into a roast. Is this really compulsory? Because I’m lost like Finding Dory! I just want to live my life Somewhere outside the screen! Does it really take this much, to be a normal teen? Ayesha Social Media Poem Social media makes us laugh and cry, funny posts and terrible lies, when we start we cannot stop, forever stuck in the flock of, Truth And Lies. You never know who’s really there, they could be luring you into a trap or could be rather nice. Never try and go to see them because you don’t know what they’re like, nice or mean they will suffice on social media, Think Twice. Could be something you shouldn’t see, up there waiting for you and me, ready to unlock our delicacy please don’t give them, The Key. Finding out what life is about, helping us find a way out. Messages travelling far and wide, open up, what will You Find? Harsimran Social Media vs People Social media - wonderful BEEP… BEEP… When I get up from my long, nice sleep Waiting on a reply from my group chat Checking my posts to boast On my phone while making toast On my phone everywhere but not at school obvs. Social media- so horrid Ruining young people’s wonderful minds Using all these different signs These sights and apps Instagam WhatsApp Goggle They should be here with me playing boggle! Board games not video games Making random names For example [email protected] For heaven’s sake! Social media = the best! Posting a picture of my best friend and me Success is your key Ready to unlock another door Another door that beholds more Social media- my favourite! Social media is scary Social media is horrid I hate social media!!! Social media is my escape from reality Social media is my future Some people just don’t know it!!! Sanjana Life of a Teen Hello Instagram! How are you today? Occupying our youngsters in so many ways. Killing them slowly right from the other side of the screen Why do on earth do you have to be so mean? Hi Snapchat, Have fun turning our kids into brats? Luring kids into school toilets to upload a post, If it’s a party in there, who is even the host? Greetings Twitter, Making Chloe’s heart flitter, For somebody she does not even know, I guess you wouldn’t understand though! Good day Facebook! Making kids constantly have a look at people’s profiles For quite a while, Whilst their mothers are calling them To put their clothes into piles Don’t worry they’ll all be online in 30 seconds! Bonjour Skype! Did you get a chance to meet Dena’s brother’s sister’s cousin’s wife? Always making people meet people in real life. Putting them in danger and making them meet with people they don’t know, Can’t you just stop putting on a show? Well bye bye guys, for I don’t have time to disguise, Myself into somebody who pretends to care about you all. Life on the screen, SHOULD NOT be life of a teen! Ria Social Media Watching the latest flicks on YouTube On how to solve the Rubbix Cube Sending a message on WhatsApp I have no time to rest or nap Searching for answers on Google – on how to draw or doddle Copy and paste on Yahoo Never forget the times when you are blue Sending my homework by email Music, geography and art – I must not fail Drag the blocks I’m on level one one five This is the game I must survive. Callum
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Our Creative Writing Teacher I'm a student in year 12
who is passionate about writing and hopes to become successful in the industry when I'm older. I am lucky to have been provided with many opportunities throughout school to explore this skill and take it further. Writing is often seen as an unstable career but many people have inspired me to stay committed to something I love and to keep my drive, purely because it is with drive and dedication that you can overcome what is deemed impossible. I wanted to do something which would inspire younger years to take up creative writing, as I truly believe it is an art that can help you develop many skills and force you to think outside the ordinary. I also believe that younger people have not been provided with a sufficient platform to make themselves heard, this blog is an alternative platform. I now run a creative writing club with Heston West Big Local once a week where I work with students aged 11-14 on creative writing pieces. They are all incredibly talented and each individual manages to write from a unique perspective. Each week we will upload their work, I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy working with them. Archives
May 2017